Should you exercise on an empty stomach?
Should you exercise on an empty stomach? There’s a common misconception of should one workout on an empty stomach. Many people assume that to lose weight fast, one should exercise on an empty stomach. But the truth is workout on an empty stomach is not healthy. Besides knowing to not workout on an empty stomach, is as important as to know- what should one eat before exercise? What should one eat, after workout? And last but not the least. When should you eat before and after your workout. So should you Exercise on an Empty Stomach? If I exercise on an empty stomach in the morning, will I burn more fat? Now with an outside chance of understanding science plus a dash of common sense and a teaspoon of magical fairy dust, we all know that the basic function of food is to provide energy to your body. To perform exercise, you need energy. So, if you exercise on an empty stomach, your body will not have enough fuel to power your workout. As a result, you will be weaker and more tired, and no...