
CMMG Mk47 Mutant

The  CMMG Mk47 Mutant  is an American-made  semi-automatic rifle   chambered  in  7.62×39mm   caliber , made by CMMG Inc. It can accept all types of 7.62-type  magazines , including steel, polymer and  drum magazines . Few debates have been waged more vigorously than that of the superiority of the  AR  versus the AK. Each side of the argument has staked its position, and both have dug in like defenders of the earth preparing for the last stand against an invasion. Both platforms have proven to be excellent performers when playing to their strong points, yet neither can be universally declared the best combat rifle for all missions and in all environments. One might wonder what would happen if a company created a modern mashup of the two rifles. Could a new champion be made from the parts of the two existing contenders? That’s the exact question CMMG seems to answer with the Mk47 Mutant rifle. The Mk47 was publicly ...
I am losing my mind....
losing all sense of reality here....
"He" is persistence...i'm losing my mind..
A New beginning..or rather in the midst of filling out paperwork to a mental asylum..


you got that right buddy.

Stop your whining and start your grinding.

STOP WHINING, START GRINDING. We always have stuff to complain about. This job is not suitable for me, he/she is not doing this to my liking. The excuses are endless. But when comes down to grinding it, another set of excuse comes to play, is too darn hard, I’m too darn tired, is impossible, it can’t be done. Excuses after excuses. Stop your whining and start your grinding. We have being complaining about anything/everything, we are so use to it, it becomes second nature to us. In fact you enjoy whining/complaining because it makes you feel good. Is an outlet, where you channel that negative energy to more negativity. Stop your whining and start your grinding. Start grinding, forget all the New Year resolution bullshit. Every day is a New Year to you. Thank god that you are able to wake up yesterday and today. Everyday should be your New Year resolution. Seize the day.So start your grinding. Dig deep inside of you, keep your head down don’t give up. Tell yourself another 5 ...