Stop your whining and start your grinding.
START GRINDING. We always have stuff to complain about. This job is not
suitable for me, he/she is not doing this to my liking. The excuses are
endless. But when comes down to grinding it, another set of excuse comes to
play, is too darn hard, I’m too darn tired, is impossible, it can’t be done. Excuses
after excuses. Stop your whining and start your grinding.
We have
being complaining about anything/everything, we are so use to it, it becomes
second nature to us. In fact you enjoy whining/complaining because it makes you
feel good. Is an outlet, where you channel that negative energy to more
negativity. Stop your whining and start your grinding.
Start grinding,
forget all the New Year resolution bullshit. Every day is a New Year to you. Thank
god that you are able to wake up yesterday and today. Everyday should be your New
Year resolution. Seize the day.So start your grinding.
Dig deep
inside of you, keep your head down don’t give up. Tell yourself another 5
minutes to the finish line, another 5 more minutes to complete this evolution,
another 5 minutes before I can rest. If you can give yourself or the people
around you that same 5 minutes reason/excuse for you not to do something then
it shouldn’t be hard for you to use that same 5 minutes excuse/reason to grind,
to work hard, to dig deep.
that negativity into something positive; channel that rage/anger/aggression
into a work of art. After all no one except yourself is your own worst enemy. You
let yourself to spiral down into the dark abyss and you give yourself a reason/excuse or any reason/excuse for not climb your way
back up out of the hole. So whatever it is, stop whining and start grinding.