Gamer mom kills crying son

Gamer mom kills crying son

The world that we live in is getting sicker by the day as 1 of the latest but not so shocking news about a cyber games addict killed her crying child in South Korea.

The 27-year-old mother had been playing games for four hours when her three-year old son urinated on the floor and started crying. This infuriated the woman. She grabbed the toddler and strangled him.

Here’s a food for thought, get your head or priority (whichever comes first) sorted out!!!Hate to kick a dog when it’s down but this is a whole new level of low!!Even for a speed bump. I guess for some idiots reaching the bottom pile of the shit pile of society-scumbag just don’t cut it. She just has to keep on digging.

The woman, who has another son, aged one, kept the three-year old boy's body in the house for three days before a relative discovered it and called the police. Good for her, hope she kept it in the refrigerator instead of under the bed. But wait a minute; a baby’s head stuff in the refrigerator with salad dressing around the neck might be normal for her but it might stick out like a sore thumb to others. So better luck than a horse shit next life time.

Police arrested the woman, surnamed Kim, who apparently played online games daily, often up to 10 hours. I wonder where’s the husband? Or is she a single-mom. Either way is just all time low. I can’t feel sorry for her because she choose to do the unthinkable to take a life. Not just any life, but her own flesh and blood. A 3 years old baby for crying-out-loud!!!

There’s no rehabilitation or mercy for these kind of dumb-sadistic-low-life-expectation-fraks! I guess the only hope in her life 9 to 5 work life was to be a speed bump at some mall and go home slay another part her life away on some online games.

I understand that games can be addictive. It’s fun, you are in control of your game character – to choose who and how your gaming character want to be. Is a way to escape from the reality.

According to South Korea government statistics, the country has about two million addicted gamers. That is a very concerning numbers. Lot of losers around in the world. Next time when you are out and about just take a look who’s around you. He or she might be a loser that might just make it to the 8 o’clock news for doing some stupid shit.

Last month, a teenager killed his mother who tried to stop him from playing online games. The 15-year-old then killed himself. Good for him, take himself out of the human gene pool.


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