Rip off by any other name is still a rip off
Rip off by any other name is still a rip off no matter what's the argument is about. Not even in the animation world is safe from China's-don’t-give-a-rat’s-arse-with-copyright-laws. Animation fans across Asia have been quick to notice that the upcoming Chinese animated series call Astro Plan bears a striking resemblance to Macross Frontier.
Look familiar???they took last years best anime and gave it a new name, add some fraking ugly characters and TA-DA, you get next Chinese hit…"An Epic Failure"...
So what's next after the epic failure of an anime??games??It'll probably be available on the Chintendo( China equivalent of Nintendo) or Chinbox150 if it ended up a game.
With all the woo-haas going around, the question does comes down to is anyone really going to watch this garbage?But then again is a big big world and who knows maybe some perverted brain dead socialite might just get hook on to it. As for the rest of us maybe it will be fun under the influence of alcohol, and I'm talking lots of it!!!!!
Look familiar???they took last years best anime and gave it a new name, add some fraking ugly characters and TA-DA, you get next Chinese hit…"An Epic Failure"...
So what's next after the epic failure of an anime??games??It'll probably be available on the Chintendo( China equivalent of Nintendo) or Chinbox150 if it ended up a game.
With all the woo-haas going around, the question does comes down to is anyone really going to watch this garbage?But then again is a big big world and who knows maybe some perverted brain dead socialite might just get hook on to it. As for the rest of us maybe it will be fun under the influence of alcohol, and I'm talking lots of it!!!!!