The Grinch's New Year Resolution

Yes, like everyone else in this world;I the Grinch also have a shit list or as known as the new year resolution for the new year. Even with the economic downturn and such my shit list is or may not govern by the effects. Here's my shit list in no particular order:-

- Lose Weight = economy downturn need to cut down on my spending and hustle people for food or ask others to pay for my meal. What a great weight loss program..
- Gain Weight = don't think the world needs to Santa.
- Pay Off Debt/s = might venture into debt collecting career.
- Save Money = need to ask or find people to pay for my things/meal/drinks gladly..a great way to save money...
- Get a Better Job = what more better job then being a Grinch?
- Get Fit = yes need more stamina to pull pranks these days...
- Eat Right = yes, you pay for my meal and I'll eat right, right in front of you that is..
- Get a Better Education = Is there a master Grinch course that I didn't know about?
- Drink less Alcohol = the actual statement is pay less for alcohol..need to find somebody to pay for my drinks..
- Quit Smoking = can't blame me for being this smoking hot, cool and good looking!!
- Reduce Stress = yes reduce stress by generating more stress to others..
- Take a Trip = if i can find some bozo to pay for my trip...
- Volunteer to Help Others = yes volunteer to help other by helping yourself into their bank account and food..
- Be Less Grumpy = if i were less grumpy, I won't be much use as a Grinch now would I??

Now with a bit of luck, determination and hard work; I the Grinch can,may and shall avoid the my little made up new year resolutions in the coming new year and bring it forward to the next year just like everybody else....


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