I'm the shadow that haunts you during the night!!!

Criminals are coward and superstitious. And secondly crime doesn't pay.A burglar entered a house-turned-grocery shop, thinking he was in for a killing. He nearly got himself killed instead. A nominee for the Darwin Award I think. A true story from the local Sunday newspaper and what a way to start one's Sunday..

The owner, who was away to celebrate Hari Raya Haji returned home 3 days later only to find the burglar trapped in the house for 72 hours without food and water.The intruder was fatigued and dehydrated when the owner and his wife returned to the shop.The couple, in their early 50s, found the burglar lying in a room, clasping his hands in an apologetic gesture for his wrongdoing.

The saying "never kick a dog when it's down" does and has been apply to this scenario so instead of calling the police,the owner decided to call an ambulance to rush the burglar to the nearest hospital. If were up to me, I might just lock him up in that house again and say bye-bye see you in a week time then follow by an evil laughter and drove off leaving him screaming,crying and begging for mercy..

When interrogated later, the 36-year-old burglar told investigating officers that he had sneaked into the house after realizing the owner was out.The burglar, who entered via the back door, claimed that he was blinded once he was inside and felt like he was in a cave. Wow what a wild and vivid imagination I might add. The question for me is, was he high on something?

“Each time I wanted to flee, I felt a ‘supernatural figure’ shoving me to the ground,’’ he told police. He claimed this was his first time experiencing such trauma during a break-in. The burglar had no choice but to stay put in the room for three days as his shouts for help were in vain.

I'm surprise he did not went to the kitchen take a kitchen knife and proceed to slit his throat to end his stupidity / misery. Well I hope he'll do that in his next break-in.

Yes, everyone and I mean everyone is feeling the pinch of the economy down-turn even the crooks feel it too..so everyone before you leave your house for a long holidays please be considerate and chase away any supernatural figure that loves to shove burglar to the ground..Thank you..
